Ru Guo Di Qiu Bei Wo Men Chi Diao Le 如果地球被我们吃掉了

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Translated from a popular French children’s book. What would happen if we cut down the last tree left on Earth? What would happen if we drank the last drop of clean water? This thought-provoking title brings across a powerful message about environmental conservation. Beautiful collages which include real life images make this book captivating and engaging.

Recommended for ages 3 and above.

Ru Guo Di Qiu Bei Wo Men Chi Diao Le 如果地球被我们吃掉了 - Sea Apple
Ru Guo Di Qiu Bei Wo Men Chi Diao Le 如果地球被我们吃掉了 - Sea Apple
Ru Guo Di Qiu Bei Wo Men Chi Diao Le 如果地球被我们吃掉了 - Sea Apple